Confirmed transaction
UQAyV_m6…vB3Es3sM sent 1.23 TON ($7.815) to UQAGJV7m…v1Kb0_e2
19.03.2024, 19:48:12
Transfer TON
Cyber School! #SmartContract #cyberschool. It’s wonderful that you are interested in creating a cyber product for crypto enthusiasts! I have an idea that might be useful in this area. The new pattern of economics is knowledge in transaction. Training at Cyber School #cyber #school! 🛑 Please note: 🛑 Disclaimer: Dear traveler in the world of tokens and digital signs, welcome to an exciting but unexplored corner of the cosmic financial galaxy! But be careful, for on this epic quest keep the following in mind: 1. Tokens Are Not Currency: Digital tokens do not have the inherent power of legal tender and are not required to be accepted in commerce. You don't want to awaken the ancient spirits of financial kaos (Get Smart), right? 2. The Dark Side of Volatility: Buying tokens is like traveling through unpredictable stars. Volatility in the value of tokens can not only be an exciting adventure race, but also a source of loss of precious funds. 3. Blockchain - Mysterious Power: Blockchain technology and its distributed information system allies are not wizard's staffs, but they are constantly being upgraded. Expect the unexpected and prepare for the risk of technical failures. 4. Threatening Jurisdictions: Different states - different rules of the game. In some lands, your transactions may be considered invalid or, even worse, unenforceable. Look into the mysterious laws of jurisdictions and be on guard. 5. Stone of Ignorance: When entering this space, keep in mind that lack of knowledge is your number one enemy. Knowledge is the key to avoiding adversity and failure. Get ready to journey into the unknown world of financial adventure, where every step involves its own magical spell. Good luck and may the blessings of blockchain be with you! The New Anthropology of Commerce: Real Findings The radical reality of product implementation: New economic pattern - No return: Source verification - real story: Join the production of new economic activities #dDigitalgene is an innovative platform for creating and distributing cyber content. A special feature of this platform is its integration with the central cyber bank #DAO_Great_Tartarye, which provides users with the opportunity to earn money and protect copyrights using blockchain technology.
1.23 TON
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