


0.047487337 TON
Contract type
nft_item, editable

Mickey Mouse in human form

A futuristic image of the iconic character Mickey Mouse with bright diamond ears and eyes. Each diamond sparkles with blue light, highlighting the intricate facets and textures of the stones. The background is made in dark, cosmic shades with elements of electrical discharges and digital glow, creating an atmosphere of high technology. Mickey's face radiates joy, but there is a hidden allusion to greed and the glitter of wealth in his smile. The composition demonstrates the combination of a classic character with modern digital and diamond elements.
  "name": "Mickey Mouse in human form",
  "image": "https://s.getgems.io/nft/s/6760/67600498da8308f51966cc12/nft/1244241.png",
  "description": "A futuristic image of the iconic character Mickey Mouse with bright diamond ears and eyes. Each diamond sparkles with blue light, highlighting the intricate facets and textures of the stones. The background is made in dark, cosmic shades with elements of electrical discharges and digital glow, creating an atmosphere of high technology. Mickey's face radiates joy, but there is a hidden allusion to greed and the glitter of wealth in his smile. The composition demonstrates the combination of a classic character with modern digital and diamond elements.",
  "marketplace": "getgems.io",
  "external_url": "https://getgems.io/nft/EQDuuz3fAjBvbdZiuc2UlQyRkOS9pYBTuJDY9txxxMpgXzLu"
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