


0.016816708 TON
Contract type
22 Oct 02:37
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
Musk and smart scientists confirm themselves with power. The chances of the power family producing super-smart offspring are slim. String puppet Harris is hiding too much. Thanks to the rapid development of privacy media, human election battles against the absolute ruling class are now the closest to being won in history, before socialization is manipulated by new technologies such as AI using shielding. Protecting privacy is not a belief, it's a quest!
− 0.0000911 TON
19 Oct 08:58
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
Research has proven that striving for fairness, openness, and equity in the advancement of human society is almost meaningless to those not in power, and that the only breakthrough today may be privacy-protecting cryptocurrency technology, which would be a huge driving force if everyone held just a little bit of it. It's a pursuit with a bright future
− 0.00000911 TON
01 Oct 06:20
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
All have come to a step: pay homage to yourself, renounce comfort, force yourself to watch the subject video, and then take the certification exam, God favors you to pass the multiple-choice questions, and finally fight back to the interests of others who have appropriated their own have come to a step: pay homage to yourself, renounce comfort, force yourself to watch the subject video, and then take the certification exam, God favors you to pass the multiple-choice questions, and finally fight back to the interests of others who have appropriated their own都走到走一步了:祭奠自己,摈弃安逸,强迫自己的看学科视频,然后参加考证考试,上天眷顾自己的选择题合格,最后争取回别人侵占自己的利益都走到走一步了:祭奠自己,摈弃安逸,强迫自己的看学科视频,然后参加考证考试,上天眷顾自己的选择题合格,最后争取回别人侵占自己的利益
− 0.000000911 TON
26 Sep 15:13
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
If today's scientific and technological progress does not solve the problems encountered by humankind, it will merely satisfy human needs, which in turn will lead to greed, disguised as "human rights". Civilization has not progressed, and without hope for the future, it will eventually fall silent and disappear into the vastness of the universe.如果现今的科技进步不能解决人类遇到的问题,那也仅仅是满足人类的需求,随之促成贪欲,假以“人权”掩饰自己的贪念。文明亦没得到进步,没有希望未来,终将归于沉寂,消失于浩瀚宇宙。
− 0.00000911 TON
26 Sep 02:10
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
好的生存,是要认命很多事情的,自己无力去改变。要面对,要接受。主观强迫去改变,是会焦虑的。接受并采取行动,才会使自己更好!A good survival is to resign oneself to the fact that many things are beyond one's power to change. It is to be faced and accepted. Subjective compulsion to change is anxiety-provoking. Acceptance and action is what makes you better!
− 0.000000911 TON
25 Sep 12:22
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
One lives in the virtual and the real; all subjective thoughts and perceptions are virtual; all the running around for survival or life is real. There is no superimposed state; the superimposed state is pathological and belongs to the mentally ill. People, should be more realistic, less ideas, to survive as the basic, after all, alive will be better!人活在虚拟与现实中,所有的主观想法、认识都是虚拟的;所有的为生存或生活所奔波都是现实的。没有叠加态,叠加态是病态,属于精神病人的。人,应该多一些现实,少一些想法,以生存为基本,毕竟,活着会更好!
− 0.000000911 TON
18 Sep 04:38
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
The result of all the calculations is that one misses one's own self. Therefore, it is important to add oneself to the prediction, to project the possible feedback between the development of the environmental system and oneself, as well as to proactively intervene in the desired results that one may obtain, and to correct one's own behavior with idealized pursuits in pursuit of progress, thus accomplishing the transcendence of the self.千算万算,结果算漏了自己。所以,预测要加上自己,推算出环境体系发展变化与自己可能的反馈,以及主动干预自己可能获得的想要结果,用理想化的追求去纠正自己的行为以追求进步,从而完成超越自我。
− 0.00000013 TON
15 Sep 15:06
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
The meaning of life is the pursuit, the pursuit of fairness, openness and justice, so that the future of mankind will have a future. Privacy is the most important part, without privacy, everything will be exempted, any dangerous ideas can be nipped in the bud at the beginning。人生的意义在于追求,追求公平、公开、公正,让未来的人类有未来。隐私是最重要的部分,不具备隐私,一切都将免谈,任何危险的想法,都可以被扼杀在初始的萌芽状态
− 0.000000013 TON
14 Sep 16:31
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
To go beyond the self is to go beyond all beings, because the self is the same as all beings; to go beyond the self is to go ahead of the development of things, because all beings are coping with the development of things, and in order to go beyond, one has to go ahead!超越自我,就是超越众生,因为自我与众生一样;超越自我,就是走到事物发展前面,因为众生都在应付事物发展,要想超越,就得提前!
− 0.000000666 TON
13 Sep 00:07
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
− 0.000000008 TON
12 Sep 07:01
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
− 0.000000666 TON
06 Aug 13:08
Sent TON
TON Believers Fund
I have a guess: if the economic downturn is so severe that it affects the dominance of the management, will the managers take their own interests into account and release a deadly virus to decimate the human race as a way to divert social conflicts and maintain the ruling structure?
− 0.000000911 TON
Contract deploy
Interfaces: [wallet_v5r1]
26 Jul 04:03
Received TON
+ 0.1 TON
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