"name": "Follow Dragons",
"image": "https://cm-prod.hb.ru-msk.vkcs.cloud/assistant_nft_content/follow_dragons/nft_follow_dragons_game1_rare3_level11.webp",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Perk 1",
"value": "The cost of buying a video card is reduced by 10.47%"
"trait_type": "Perk 2",
"value": "The cost of upgrading the video card is reduced by 7%"
"description": "FollowDragons is a project that brings together Dragons, a powerful community, the game @LEAGUEofDRAGONSbot, SILVER, @Dracoin, and more. The project has been actively developing since February 2022 and is one of the oldest projects on the TON blockchain."