


0.0433352 TON
Contract type
24,082,024,231,975,055,000 #FREEDUROV
#FREEDUROV is more than just a token. It’s a symbol of freedom and solidarity, created in honor of Pavel Durov, a man who has dedicated his life to the fight for free speech and the right of every individual to express themselves without fear or repression. On August 24, 2024, at 23:19 Paris time, at the very moment when Pavel Durov was unjustly arrested in France, this token was launched. The date 24082024 carries deep significance — exactly that many tokens were created, and their number will never change. Each token is tied to a pivotal moment in the history of defending freedom, making its value far more than just a cryptocurrency. Half of all #FREEDUROV tokens will be allocated to support those who have suffered under censorship and to fight against those who seek to silence free voices. These funds will aid those punished for their courage to speak the truth and will be used to actively combat repression and the restriction of freedoms. Pavel Durov himself will decide how and where these funds will be directed to ensure they make the greatest impact in this crucial mission. By acquiring #FREEDUROV, you are becoming part of a movement for freedom and justice. This token is your voice for a world where free speech is inviolable, and where every person has the right to be heard. You are not just investing in cryptocurrency — you are investing in ideals that inspire and unite millions of people around the globe. #FREEDUROV is more than a digital coin. It is a symbol of your support, your solidarity, and your belief in freedom. Join this movement to help build a world where justice and freedom reign supreme.
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