"name": "AI \"Distributed data storage\"",
"image": "https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmQPzj9nbt2FyCAhgFUgEiXHZzv2rZt7DXwtAdtj5DUbPo?filename=Распределенное_хранение_данных_обеспечивает_высокую_отказоустойчивость_и_безопаснос_DOuSASc.jpg",
"attributes": [
"name": "AI",
"value": "history"
"description": "Distributed data storage is a decentralized information storage system where data is divided into fragments and stored on several network nodes, thus ensuring fault tolerance and security. Users can access their data from anywhere, and the system offers advantages such as high reliability, resistance to censorship and higher privacy, as well as the opportunity to earn money for providing their resources on the storage network."