🕊️ #FreeDurov Universal DAO: Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, has consistently defended freedom of expression and the right to privacy in the digital world. After his arrest in France on 08/24/2024, the world was shaken, and DAO DUROV was created—a space where you can be free, where everyone is equal, where you can win, vote, innovate, and find purpose. Digital Freedom, Free Expression, Privacy, Decentralization—Mission implemented in TONPAVEL. DAO Durov unites people, projects, memes, and influencers. #FreePavel. Join and become a $TonPavel. DAO: Raids, NFTs, DAPPS, Movements, Games, Collections, Memes, AI, News, Miniapps… ⚪ https://t.me/DAOTonPavel | https://telegra.ph/DAO-DUROV-08-27 | https://x.com/DAODurov (launched on ⛽️ GasPump)