Squid Game" (Korean: 오징어 게임, Ojing-eo Geim) is a South Korean television series from 2021 that gained immense popularity worldwide. The series tells the story of a group of people participating in a dangerous game with a high monetary prize at stake. Here are the basic rules of the "Squid Game"."Squid Game" has taken an unexpected turn into the cryptocurrency space with the introduction of a token named $SquidGame ($SQUID). Holders of this token who retain it in their wallets for 7 days will reportedly receive substantial airdrops, occurring every 7 days. The game is set to launch once the Telegram group reaches 500 members and there are 100 token hodlers. The "Squid Game" series addresses issues related to poverty, corruption, and brutality while showcasing the psychology and morality of the participants in the face of extreme conditions. It also warns against the consequences of dehumanization and ruthlessness in the pursuit of wealth. t.me/SquidGameonTON www.squid-game.store twitter.com/TONSquidGame