SUSPICIOUS transaction
UQAGJV7m…v1Kb0_e2 sent 0.240331 TON ($1.818) to UQDCMcZ0…wpd8Cxof
31.03.2024, 11:27:39
Duration: 16s
Transfer TON
CBDC #DAO_Great_TartaryeCentral Cyber_Bank Digital Currencies The new currency world with #DAO_Great_Tartarye is the true source of progress and innovation.⚙ Cyber module dDigitalgene: entrance to the portal to a new technological order.March 31, 2024 Understanding the new world order is a key aspect of the information age, where digital technology is intertwined with financial innovation. The new currency world is being formed under the influence of cyberspace, blockchain technologies and digital cyber currencies. To understand what this new world will be like, it is important to study current materials and analytical reviews, such as the information presented in this article. They help assess current trends, development forecasts and possible future scenarios, which is important for making informed decisions in the financial sector. 🌟 Do you want to be part of something bigger than you imagined? The #DAO_Great_Tartarye portal is an innovative architecture for scalable execution of smart contracts and the creation of a new monetary order. This intelligent tool allows you to automate the process of issuing and managing cyber_currency, significantly increasing its efficiency and speed and reducing the risks of human intervention and possible errors.To enter the cyber ecosystem you use the #dDigitalgene device module. This module is not just a tool, it is the key to the automated production of a digital artifact to enter the world of cyber central banking (CBDC). The cyber system allows users to make transactions safely and securely without worrying about possible risks.Connecting to the CBDC DAO_Great_Tartarye using the dDigitalgene cyber module is a step into the future of finance, where digital technologies become an important resource. This module helps users explore new opportunities in the cyber economy and be at the forefront of financial innovation. The mechanism of operation of the system is to provide access to innovative technologies and tools for creating and managing cyber reality. Extrapolation. START WORLD FINANCIAL DECENTRALIZED REVOLUTION. Historical prophecy indicates the inevitable transience of changes that will occur in 2025. #DAO_Great_Tartarye represents a force that combines intellect and emotions, forming a collective intelligence that can change the world. New cyber money CBDC is the anthropology of a new image of a being, a symbiosis of the virtual with the real, all this is just a small part of what we can offer. DAO_Great_Tartarye is an artifact of geopolitical significance that influences the field of international relations and economic strategies, revealing before us unprecedented opportunities. The cyber aggregator provides unique opportunities, opening up to us new and exceptional sources of wealth, which today are presented in the form of information. The #dDigitalGene cyber module provides us with the keys to these codes, allowing us to master digital cyber assets and resources. Participating in #DAO_Great_Tartarye can be similar to creating an egregor, as this community unites Alters with common goals, ideas and beliefs. Each participant contributes to the formation of a collective energy that can influence the environment and events in the mixed world of real reality. DAO_Great_Tartarye helps participants make informed decisions and navigate the complex anatomy of the financial world. The symbiosis of software modules on the blockchain also helps to harmonize the moving average, as community members can jointly direct their efforts towards achieving common goals and values. DAO_Great_Tartarye is more than just a community. It is the collective consciousness that guides you towards success and prosperity. Enter the cyber ecosystem to experience the impact of this powerful force on your thoughts, emotions and actions. The solution we provide doesn't just meet your needs, it opens up new perspectives for your social participation while maintaining your independence and freedom of choice. let's get to action! DAO_Great_Tartarye is a source of wisdom and truth, providing a platform for collective development and the exchange of ideas. Cyber_service based on blockchain technology offers the use of decentralized oracle networks (Decentralized Oracle Networks - DONs), which significantly expand the types of blockchain operations that smart contracts can support. DAO_Great_Tartarye's goals are to join forces to create a financial future based on decentralization and blockchain technology. Community members have the opportunity to contribute to this process and work together to create a world that is sustainable and fair for all. Join the cyber community and become part of a new and unique system that is irresistible. #tokenization #smart_token make purchases and transactions without personal data your new #Cyberbank 🧰Welcome to the cyber portal, the entrance to the new currency world of digital transformation! The world of the gold metal as we knew it is coming to an end. The era of Western dominant history is becoming a thing of the past. But with its passing comes the dawn of a new digital order, created by the power of cyber technology. This new order not only changes our understanding of art and technology, but also opens up unlimited possibilities for development and progress. Instead of looking backward, we are on the threshold of a new era where cyber technology is becoming an engine of change and creativity.The dDigitalgene cyber software module, developed by the Crypto-Cyber Artifact Creation Algorithm from the central cyber bank DAO_Great_Tartarye, is the key to the inexhaustible possibilities of the digital cyber world. Software module D_Gen No. 4 Cyber Exchange Private Money from DDigitalGene is an innovative tool that provides decentralized instant exchange of tokens based on smart contracts in the blockchain. This module opens up new perspectives in the use of cyber currencies such as cyber money (CBDC). It is a decentralized application that enables unique financial transactions. With this module, users will be able to receive and send cyber money, using it in various fields of activity. The uniqueness and innovation of this module will open up new opportunities for users in the world of finance and electronic transactions. Join the decentralized revolution and start using cyber money through the application at the link: The Central Bank of Central Banks (Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT) DAO_Great_Tartarye opens up new perspectives for various government, legal and financial institutions, giving us unique opportunities in the field of cyber finance. Now any participant in the global market is able to invest, conduct transactions and manage their financial assets in the digital cyber environment. This algorithm provides us with unique opportunities to expand our influence and development in the new cyber economy - #Cybertokenomics. ✨ Here's why you shouldn't miss this chance: Decentralization of the economy: We are entering a new era where power and control are shifting to the public. Our cyber portal strives to create a decentralized economic system, where each participant has the opportunity to influence processes and make decisions.New digital order: Forget about old, outdated models. We offer a transition to a new world of digital technology, where innovation and progress become the key to success. Our cyber portal provides access to cutting-edge technologies and tools that will help you and your business thrive in the digital age.Cyber Family v2.0: We are creating a community where every participant is part of a close-knit family. Here we combine a system of knowledge, experience and skills to move forward together and reach new heights. We value team collaboration and support to help each of us achieve our goals.Creating a Crypto-Cyber Artifact: Our algorithm for creating crypto-coins opens up the opportunity for you to create your own digital assets and use them in various areas of your life. This gives you the freedom to financially express yourself and participate in the new digital world.System of trust and collective ownership: We strive to establish a system of trust and collective ownership, where every member of the community has equal rights and opportunities. We propose a new path where freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, delivering a sustainable and prosperous world for all.The first cyber portal in the history of mankind offers a wide range of scenarios and opportunities for those who are ready to join the new digital cyber revolution. Join #DAO_Great_Tartarye and discover new horizons of the digital cyber world! Together we will make the future better! Cyberbank DAO Great Tartaria #ddigitalgene is a single #cbdc platform on a #global #scale #dao 💵 💴 💶 💷 Mastering the capabilities of the cyber economy:You get the opportunity to master new opportunities and tools of the cyber economy with the help of 5 D_GEN cyber modules, which will help you adapt to changing conditions and realize your potential in the digital cyber world.Hyper Guide to using the D_GEN module No. 4 Cyber Exchange Private Money AMM from #DAO_Great_Tartarye! This module opens up unprecedented prospects for participants to use digital currencies and decentralized financial instruments within the cyber world.In the era of globalization, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, trust and reputation have become fundamental and necessary concepts.Not power, not wealth, or even love - trust is the most effective resource in our society. It is the basis for interaction and collaboration between people, companies and organizations. Thanks to trust, successful business relationships, sustainable development and prosperity are possible both at the individual and societal levels.In the cyber world, where information and communication play a key role, trust becomes even more important. The dDigitalgene system provides reliable and secure services, helps to build trust in new technologies and cyber platforms, creating confidence in their use and development. Let's look at how the cyber system can be used in practice. 1. Registration and creation of a cyber account: Start by registering on the platform and creating your cyber account. Go to your personal account and select the "Create token" option - D_Gen tool No. 1.Fill out the required information and create a link to Alter to access the platform functionality. Check your personal email inbox and follow the instructions to automate the process.By opening your cyber account, you enter the world of new opportunities and prospects offered by the cyber industry of the first level of civilization.Registration will allow you to implement wave codes that lead to brand resonance in the new cyber currency world. 2. Exchange of tokens and use of digital currencies: After creating a cyber account, you will be able to exchange any tokens on a peer-to-peer blockchain network and use CBDC cyber currencies in trading.Use the D_GEN module No. 4 Cyber Exchange Private Money AMM for instant exchange of tokens and cyber barter when conducting financial transactions in the cyber world. 3. Investment and management of financial assets: Use the capabilities of the cyber platform to invest in various assets and manage your financial portfolios.Explore available tools and strategies to maximize returns and manage risk. D_Gen Tool #2 allows users to express their uniqueness and individuality through a digital portrait and cyber biography. 4. Engaging with community and collective wisdom: Take part in discussions and exchange of experiences with other members of #DAO_Great_Tartarye.Use networking opportunities to gain valuable advice and support from the cyber community. Tool D_Gen No. 5. 5. Creating meaning and thoughts: Help Alter generate new ideas and concepts by actively interacting with the platform and its members.Contribute to the development of the new currency world by selling your meanings and thoughts through discussions and cyber content products.D_Gen Tool No. 3 where meaning and thoughts become currency, and cyberspace becomes your platform for expressing ideas and achieving goals.The dDigitalgene system becomes your reliable companion in exploring new horizons of the cyber world, where freedom and diversity play a key role. Argument #4:Module d_gen No. 4 is an integral part of the smart contract execution architecture and has extensive functionality that ensures the secure and efficient execution of smart contracts in the cyber ecosystem. Its use makes it possible to automate a variety of financial transactions and create reliable financial structures that contribute to the development of a new nature of economic cyber order. Meta description: Cyber module D_Gen No. 4 Cyber Exchange AMM from #DAO_Great_Tartarye presents a fantastic cyber tool for participating in the cyber economy and taking advantage of new opportunities. This module based on blockchain technology allows you not only to effectively manage finances, but also to contribute to the development of a new currency world and the formation of the future financial landscape. The dDigitalgene cybergenesis system, with its #DGen networked cyber module, opens the door to previously unseen possibilities. Connect to D_GEN module No. 4 and start transforming your financial capabilities today! The journey to success is just beginning, and you can be one of the first to take advantage of the revolutionary benefits of this new transformation. Long live the development of diverse economic relationships free from the dominance of centralized control.Purchasing cyber code becomes a ticket to a world of opportunity where your ideas and aspirations can become reality. Buy a cyber link now and create your own unique cyber subject - your own Alter! This is not just an investment in the future, it is the creation of history, a symbiosis of the virtual and the real, the image of a new creature born in cyber space! #cyber_link - invitation code from your advisor. #MovingAverage #approximation #variability #mathematics #harmonization #cyber_perimeter #cyber_author #CBDC #trust #reputation #DistributedLedgerTechnology #DLT #Blockchain #ledger #distributed #Alter #subreplicant🧾 Beneficiary of the convention:🧬 Cyber_author of the transaction:🧬 Cyber_author of the transaction: The transaction artifact conveys the meaning of the immediate purchase of cyber code as the key to one’s own development and success. He suggests looking at yourself and identifying your goals and desires, and then using cyber codes to make them come true. By opening your cyber account and purchasing codes, you get the opportunity to penetrate the new cyber currency world and use neural network resources to achieve the desired results.A brief retelling made by the YandexGPT neural network:• Cyber_exchange offers automated and efficient exchange, eliminating intermediaries and paperwork.• Transactions are completed quickly, optimizing companies' operations and focusing on growth.• A nominal fee of 0.01% per exchange is an attractive offer to minimize transaction costs.• The cyber exchange operates on a decentralized blockchain, transcending geographic boundaries and expanding market coverage.• Blockchain technology guarantees security, transparency and protection of transactions from unauthorized access.• Participation in cyber information sharing demonstrates a commitment to technological innovation.• Companies that integrate cyber platforms position themselves as industry thought leaders and attract tech-savvy customers.#Cyber_Congress:* Cyber ethics is a mathematical principle that is based on the values of conscience, honesty and trustworthiness in cyber space. In this new form of relationship, each transaction is not just an exchange of digital assets, but also a commitment to oneself and other network participants. Each such transaction symbolizes trust and respect, and is also an expression of sincerity and willingness to adhere to the commitments made. Relationships within the framework of cyber ethics are characterized by a high degree of transparency and reliability, thanks to the use of cyber technologies and the principles of decentralization. Essentially, it is an agreement based on the values of conscience and honesty, and each execution requires special attention and responsibility.** Alter is a subject of cyber atomic convergence, can be interpreted as the process of combining or merging digital elements or data in a virtual environment to create an alternative or additional subject, sub-replicant image or entity.✔ Mathematically, this can be written as follows:A=C(D+EU)Where:A - alter-subject of cyber atomic convergence,C - convergence process,D is a set of digital elements or data.EURO_CYBER_CBDC ( 💶 EUR ) ***CBDC #DAO_Great_Tartarye Central Cyber Bank Digital Currencies (#CBDC) #DAO_Great_Tartarye is an innovative financial instrument with geopolitical influence and anthropological significance. This is a hybrid cyber-currency model that combines virtual and real aspects to ensure stability and sustainability in the financial sector. Created based on the principles of symbiosis between the virtual and the real, it provides unique opportunities to expand and diversify sources of wealth. Instead of traditional physical assets, the new currency represents information realities, facilitating the development of new channels of economic development. CBDC DAO_Great_Tartarye is a key element in the evolution of financial relations and a catalyst for innovation in the global economy of the post-industrial world. The new currency world with DAO_Great_Tartarye is the true source of progress and innovation.• Cyber Portal offers access to cutting-edge technologies and tools to thrive in the digital age.• The community on the portal unites knowledge, experience and skills to move forward together and achieve new heights.• Creating a crypto-cyber artifact allows you to create your own digital assets and use them in various areas of life.• The portal's system of trust and collective ownership promotes a sustainable and prosperous world for all.• Registration and creation of a cyber account on the platform provides opportunities for exchanging tokens and using digital currencies.• Investing and managing financial assets on the platform allows you to maximize profitability and manage risks.• The dDigitalgene system provides reliable and secure services, building trust in new technologies and cyber platforms. #cyber_system #subplicate #subreplicantAR (Augmented Reality): This is a technology that adds virtual elements to the real world, enriching the user's perception of the environment.MR (Mixed Reality): MR combines elements of virtual and augmented reality, allowing virtual objects to interact with the real world.XR (Extended Reality): This term combines all forms of extended reality, including AR, VR (virtual reality) and MR.AI (Artificial Intelligence): Artificial intelligence is being implemented to create smarter and more adaptive virtual and augmented realities, improving interaction and personalization.RR (Reality Revolution): This term can be interpreted as the result of a combination of all the previous components, which represents a kind of “revolution in reality”. Perhaps this indicates a transformation of the traditional understanding of reality under the influence of a combination of technologies.#subreplicatantLet me introduce you to a fantastic concept, the embodiment of advanced technology and scientific achievements - the sub-replicant. The Sub-Replicant is the culmination of virtual and physical reality, created using advanced technologies in the fields of artificial intelligence, cybernetics and genetic engineering.The production of a sub-replicant is a hyper unique proposition, representing the ultimate masterpiece of advanced technology. This outstanding artifact is the embodiment of the formula (AR + MR = XR ) + AI = RR in the form of a hyper-modern image of Man_2.0, designed to improve and excel the author in the field of intelligence, physical characteristics and creative potential. Experience the world on a new level!A subreplicant is not just a copy, it is an evolutionary step forward, allowing the author to reveal new horizons of his potential. Using an innovative approach, we are able to create unique copies of a person, preserving its unique features and individuality in blockchain neural networks. Next, through blockchain oracles, we model this image in the physical environment, opening new horizons for the study of human individuality. Together we are opening a new chapter in the exploration of new creatures, combining advanced technologies to shape the future of cyber civilization. The sub-replicant becomes a bridge between worlds, providing incredible opportunities for interaction, learning, exploration and entertainment. Using advanced technologies of cybernetic synthesis and virtualization, the sub-replicant opens up new horizons for intellectual and creative development.The sub-replicant is an innovative artifact designed not only to upgrade the author in various aspects of his existence, but also to become a symbol of a new era, where technology is combined with human greatness. This innovative approach becomes a cornerstone in the evolution of humanity, inviting us to look into the future and discover new dimensions of our capabilities. Let's create a future together where sub-replicants will become an integral part of our era, providing progress and innovation in various fields of activity.• Cyber module dgen web3.0 is your gateway to seamless transactions with frequent money in the magical world of crypto wealth. Exchange an emotional cyber asset for a virtual stable coin USDT using the most common crypto wallet. Install it on your phone or browser and create your own virtual money.It's always easier to see: Cyb_Watch_Earn token [ DGCTV ] ● go to the DGEN platform via the link:● buy a cyber_code on the Internet or ask a friend● Register by entering your Email● Create an Alter by coming up with a unique name.● Produce your own crypto cyber_currency, the cost is only 25.63 USDT coins.● Instantly receive a smart contract on the blockchain in 1 minute. The new digital currency will be assigned a unique 5-letter name and a number in the crypto currency registry.● To sell goods through the blockchain network, you need to register and fill in the cyber landing page of the hybrid avatar with content on the platform● Start summarizing analytics, executing transactions, and establishing connections. Engage in Creating a new cyber_economy. 👑 Your key to this unique cyber space is your Cyber Address. Enter this address and open the door to a virtual labyrinth filled with amazing events and opportunities. Welcome to the cyber world, where the edges of reality merge with virtual space, and every step you take is a new discovery! 🧾 Web 2.0 media publishing 🤖 dDigitalgene is your ticket to the real world of #dreams where your destiny depends your imagination ⚜ Cyberbank DAO Great Tartaria #ddigitalgene is a single #cbdc platform on a #global #scale #dao 👛 Cyber Magazine Cyber platform on blockchain evolution in the world of trade and exchange🔖
0.240331 TON
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