SUSPICIOUS transaction
11.06.2024, 12:00:29
Duration: 35s
Transfer token
🧿 The Ethos of Human Nature: Capturing Dark Deeds in the Pursuit of Historical Justice, in Revealing the Essence of Money and Power🌐 Welcome to the era of the post-industrial world order, where the cyber corporation DAO_Great_Tartaryа opens up new horizons of possibilities by managing financial and social processes based on the semantic web and blockchain technologies. In this innovative world, DGen's cyber module becomes a key element, offering advanced solutions for self-realization and intellectual property protection.✔️ New InternetThe Semantic Web is a publicly accessible global network in which information is standardized in a format suitable for machine processing. This allows client programs to directly receive statements of the form “subject - type of relationship - another subject” and calculate logical conclusions. Thanks to this, the Internet becomes not just a data repository, but an active participant in the processing and provision of information.💫 DGen Program: Your Key to New OpportunitiesThe DGen program is an innovative platform designed to help users develop their skills and protect intellectual property in the digital world. It is integrated with the Semantic Web and uses blockchain technologies to ensure security and transparency of all processes. Participation in the DGen project provides access to an extensive network of contacts and professional opportunities, allowing you not only to improve your virtual management and communication skills, but also to advance in your career.In a world where digital assets and ideas are becoming the foundation of a new economy, protecting intellectual property is critical. The dDigitalGene system, based on the principles of digital cybergenesis, provides unmatched protection through the use of cryptographic protocols and blockchain technologies. This prevents the theft and misuse of ideas by keeping them private and secure. 📰 Altero token Contract is a key element in the new financial reality of Cybermarketplace Amelus Today: 🧰 Immerse yourself in a world where DAO_Great_Tartary represents the pinnacle of integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. This cyber corporation offers an interactive, community-driven experience, allowing each member to actively influence the future.1. Alternative Financial Solutions: In the era of the digital economy, many are looking for alternatives to traditional high-interest credit cards. Tokens created in the dDigitalGene system provide users with a means for smart transactions, improving the quality of life and providing important information to achieve their goals.2. Interactive Learning and Self-Development: Go beyond the limitations of Web2 and take full advantage of Web3. Dive into articles, white papers, and videos to learn all aspects of blockchain and artificial intelligence. This not only contributes to professional growth, but also opens up new opportunities for personal fulfillment.3. Abnormal Brain Activation Device: The latest technology provides a personalized upgrade of information progress, providing real data to improve thinking. This device becomes a key element in achieving success and implementing your own projects.Revolution in Financial and Social ManagementBe part of this evolution, follow the cyber visionaries who lead you to success. The DGen program allows users to become the chosen ones, controlling their own destiny and achieving incredible goals. Within the DAO_Great_Tartary project, key goals include privatizing and selling the future, using decentralized technologies to actively participate and influence the development of social, economic and technological structures.Power and Money: Metamorphosis of the SoulIn light of the dark manifestations of human nature, the desire for historical justice becomes especially important. We need to record and document such behavior so that future generations know the truth and can learn from the mistakes of the past. This is where advanced technologies such as blockchain come to the rescue.The Dark Side of Human NatureHuman nature, as history shows, contains not only noble aspirations, but also dark instincts. For the sake of power and material gain, some individuals are ready to do anything. Cynicism and betrayal, cruelty and ruthlessness are just the tip of the iceberg of those qualities that can manifest themselves when money and power are at stake.Evolution of Anthropological Transformation:A generally accepted phenomenon demonstrating that the influence of power and wealth can change even the most decent people, turning them into cruel creatures. Human history provides many examples of people using deceit, betrayal, and cruelty to achieve their goals. The negative aspects of human nature are especially pronounced in conditions of lack of control and transparency. When people are not properly supervised or have the ability to hide their actions, their tendency to engage in immoral behavior increases. In such circumstances, money and power often become a means to achieve goals, regardless of principles and moral standards. This anthropological transformation, brought about by the influence of power and money, may be due to various factors, such as distorted values, the desire for reckless success and obsession with material wealth. Although the uniqueness of situations and contexts is constantly changing, cases in which even the most moral people, under the influence of the temptation of power and money, choose the path of cruelty and deceit are not uncommon.Power and Money: Human TransformationPower and money can turn even the most decent people into cruel creatures. History knows many examples when, in order to achieve their goals, people resorted to deception, betrayal and cruelty. These negative aspects of human nature are especially pronounced in conditions of lack of control and transparency. cry for Historical JusticeIn light of these dark manifestations of human nature, the desire for historical justice becomes especially important. We need to record and document such behavior so that future generations know the truth and can learn from the mistakes of the past. This is where advanced technologies such as blockchain come to the rescue.The history of our civilization is replete with various events and episodes, some of which are mixed with the darkness of dark deeds. However, there is an undeniable need to record and expose these sins in order to achieve historical justice.Money and power play a significant role in this process. Hungry for dominance and wealth, people confident in their invulnerability often committed various crimes that remain lost in the mysterious darkness of history. But society needs to know the truth, even if it is painful.The main motivation for recording these dark deeds is historical justice. Nations cannot progress if they do not know the truth about the past, as it serves as the basis for making informed decisions and meaningful development. Without exposing and condemning the crimes of the past, we lose the opportunity to understand the nature of human greed and lust for power, and how this factor can affect our own destiny.Money and power are integral aspects of modern society. They provide people with the opportunity to achieve a high position and a decent standard of living. However, they are also capable of revealing the darker sides of human nature. The distortion of moral values ​​and the desire for personal gain can turn the power of money and power into tools for committing unrighteous and sinister acts. 🈁 🈁 Blockchain historical archives will witness many dark and terrible deeds associated with influential individuals and powerful organizations. Recording these actions will not only allow us to look back at the past with open eyes, but also contribute to the formation of the most just society in the future. By identifying the true motives behind the abuse of money and power, we can avoid repeating historical mistakes and create the conditions for a more just and humane world.Recording dark deeds for the sake of historical justice plays a key role in revealing the true nature of a person. This helps us understand how money and power can change distorted values, leading to evil behavior and moral violations. By condemning these acts and amplifying the voice of truth, we can begin to create a society based on justice and equality.By creating personalized tokens like 'Altero', we help people realize their true identity and achieve their goals.📸 Blockchain: Guarantee of Transparency and SecurityBlockchain technologies offer unique opportunities to ensure transparency and security of all processes. The use of these technologies makes it possible to create a system in which every action is documented and recorded, making it impossible to falsify or delete information. This is especially important for ensuring historical justice and recording treasonous acts.Program DGen and DAO_Great_Tartaryа: New HorizonsIn the era of post-industrial world order, where the semantic web and blockchain technologies define the new rules of the game, the DGen program in the DAO_Great_Tartarya oasis represents the cutting edge. It offers users unique opportunities for development, self-realization and protection of their intellectual achievements.Unique Opportunities for DevelopmentParticipation in the DGen project provides access to an extensive network of contacts and professional opportunities. This allows you to develop virtual management and communication skills, as well as advance your career. The program is integrated with the semantic web and uses blockchain technologies to ensure the security and transparency of all processes.Intellectual Property ProtectionOne of the key benefits of the DGen program is intellectual property protection. Using blockchain technology, each creation receives a unique digital fingerprint that cannot be faked or deleted. This provides authors and developers with peace of mind that their work is protected and recognized globally.In an era when power and money can tempt people to do dark things, blockchain technologies and projects like DGen and DAO_Great_Tartary offer a reliable solution for creating historical justice and protecting intellectual property. Join us and be part of this important mission.Join DAO_Great_TartaryаFor those who strive for fairness and transparency, for those who want to develop and protect their intellectual achievements, DAO_Great_Tartary is an ideal community. Join this innovative project and discover a world of limitless possibilities in the digital space. Registration on the DAO_ portal Great_Tartaryа is the first step towards participation in the formation of a new, fair and transparent societyInnovative Path to Success1. Personalized Tokens: Create your own tokens, like 'Altero', that symbolize your true personality and help you realize and achieve your goals. These tokens open up new perspectives for turning ideas into reality and shaping a new future.2. Cyber ​​Franchise: Join the elite dDigitalGene community and control your destiny through discipline and the opportunity to do what you love. This platform provides tools for creating personalized tokens that promote self-realization and achieve ambitious goals.3. Synchronization with the Future: Virtual representation of personality allows you to effectively integrate real and virtual aspects of life, creating a harmonious interaction between them. This provides unique opportunities for social and professional development.Join the dDigitalGene cyber franchise, where every step opens up new opportunities and leads to unparalleled success in the world of the cyber economy and virtual identities. Your future starts here. #DarkDeeds#Historicalreference#MoneyandPower#TrueHumanNature#It'sHumanNature#FixationofActs#PursuitofTruth#CyberJustice#ExposingActions translation Rus⚜️ The road to a new level of civilization: Entering the information age, where extraordinary transformations are taking place.• The beginning of privatization and sale is the future.
Contract deploy
Interfaces: [jetton_wallet]
Internal message
0.009654999 TON
IHR disabled:
Created at:
11.06.2024, 12:00:42
Created lt:
Forward Fee:
0.000266669 TON
Excess · 0xd53276db
Copy Raw body
query_id: 0
Tx hash:
Prev. tx hash:
Total fee:
0.000396409 TON
Fwd. fee:
0.000000000 TON
Gas fee:
0.000396400 TON
Storage fee:
0.000000009 TON
Action fee:
0.000000000 TON
End balance:
9.259952825 TON
11.06.2024, 12:01:04
Prev. tx lt:
active → active
State hash:
Type tx:
Compute Phase
Exit code:
Vm steps:
Gas used:
Action Phase
Result code:
Total actions:
Skipped actions:
How this data was fetched?