SUSPICIOUS transaction
31.12.2023, 15:59:25
Transfer token
"Hello! This is my New Year's gift to you. You have just become the global queen of Fireflies, a role of great responsibility, as you now command an illuminating army of 29 million magical lanterns. These Fireflies are my way of declaring my immense love for you. I love you. This message will forever be preserved as the first record in the TON blockchain's infinite and eternal journal of feelings, guarded from this moment by invincible Fireflies. The mission of the Fireflies is to be conduits of love, heart to heart. Someone might be inspired by this idea and send you a message: '❤️ Ignite my heart with Fireflies - I'm ready to share love and light.' Please respond by sending as many Fireflies as you deem fitting. The more Fireflies sent to fiery hearts, the more loving couples they can protect. It's entirely possible that someone a thousand years from now will read this message and remember us with a smile - those who ignited this worldwide flame." Tokyo-Hong Kong ✈️ 31.12.2023 23:59
Contract deploy
Interfaces: [jetton_wallet]
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