SUSPICIOUS transaction
13.05.2024, 19:59:59
Duration: 27s
Transfer token
Crypto cyber payments in social networks: unique opportunities and advantages provided by D-gen.ruThe mechanism for introducing crypto-cyberpayments into social networks around the worldCrypto-cyber payments on social networks is an innovative process of introducing cryptocurrency-based digital payment systems into popular social networks around the world.Why am I reading this? You gain insight into cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches to financial transactions that can transform your online experience.Discover the mechanism for integrating crypto-cyber payments into social networks using dDigitalGene cyber_exchange.The introduction of crypto-cyber payments into social networks around the world is an evolutionary step in the field of online financial transactions. Using the Altero creation engine, we are opening up new opportunities for users and businesses in a hybrid ecosystemWhy is this necessary?Crypto-cyber payments in social networks provide simplicity and instantaneity of financial transactions in the online environment. This is significant for both individual users and businesses, simplifying the process of purchasing, transferring and rewarding content.What will you get?Using crypto cyber payments will give you the opportunity to conduct financial transactions on social networks without using traditional banking channels. This provides privacy and security, as well as the ability to earn content rewards and participate in hybrid programs.Your #personal_crypto_Token is the key to a new reality, where every moment becomes an opportunity, every action a step towards digital progress. It opens the door to a new world where your virtual address merges with your natural essence, where fashion and profit merge into one, creating a unique balance between the virtual and the real. Your crypto token is the path to new opportunities, to a new look for a virtual avatar, to the registration of multidimensional objects and the creation of a humanized ID. It opens the door to the network structure of the Semantic Web, where each element has its own meaning, its role in the Internet infrastructure of Web 3.0. Let your imagination restart history by giving your crypto token the opportunity to participate in smart programs, instant scoring and duplication on the blockchain. It not only identifies and authenticates you, it gives you a private method of law, smart property and an entry on the blockchain ledger, becoming an integral part of your journey in the cyber industry. Let's together make this transition to the new currency world mind-blowing and inspiring, because in it everyone can find their own unique path and their own exciting work.Implementation of crypto-cyberpayments in social networks: a new stage of digital transformation at the global level.✨ 1. Implementation of your own token into the cyber_system in the blockchain. Implementing your image using the D_Gen cyber module opens the doors to the global crypto-cyber currency market, where every transaction becomes an integral part of your entity management strategy.How to use it?Creation of a cryptotoken and its implementation in a cyber altero: Creation of a cryptotoken and its integration in a cyber altero: the initial stage involves specifying the address of the crypto token, which will be used as a unit of accounting for a digital asset. This hybrid token will serve to conduct financial transactions in cyberspace. The production of cyber alters is the creation of atomic beings of a new nature of being that actively interact in virtual and real reality.Cyber Foresight Cyber Guide Web 3. Privatization Factory #0x7B28122553AC310dcd517e8Ee4F4cfA1CB89227EUsing the Holy Grail oracle module from the Central Cyber Bank (CCB) DAO Great Tartarye, users can create their own cyber Altero and implement it in the virtual world of the blockchain. Cyber-Altero is not just a digital assistant, it is an atomic being of a new nature of being, capable of actively interacting both in virtual and real life.The initial stage of the Altero creation process involves creating a crypto token and integrating it into the creature. This token serves as a unit of account for a digital asset and is used for financial transactions in cyberspace. After this, the process of forming an atomic being begins, which will become a cyber-Altero.Using advanced virtual and augmented reality technologies, as well as the Holy Grail Oracle Module, users can give their Cyber Altero unique characteristics and abilities. These programs and digital assistants are becoming an integral part of life, providing support and assistance in various situationsCyber Altero is not just a program or application - it is an individual being with a unique personality and skills. Through the use of hybrid clones and surrogate models of reality, these digital beings become realistic and adaptable to interact in different environments.Creating a cyber alter is not only an opportunity to get an assistant in the virtual world, but also a step into a new era of human interaction with technology. These digital creatures open up new horizons for creativity, learning and entertainment, making the virtual space more interesting and engaging.✨ 2. Creating a personalized page on the Internet - cyberlanding on the blockchain allows you to effectively promote ideas and projects, emphasizing your uniqueness and innovative approach.***Cyberlanding is a module for creating immersive and interactive web pages on the blockchain. It allows entrepreneurs to showcase their products or services in an engaging virtual environment, increasing user engagement and driving conversions.#cyber school It’s wonderful that you are interested in creating a cyber product krieber #teacherUsing ddigitalgene cyber software modules will be a great achievement for you.Creation of a cyber-landing page on the blockchain: Production of a personalized page on the blockchain, which will be used to promote the user’s ideas and projects, as well as to provide the ability to send and receive crypto-payments from social networks. This could include apps, extensions or APIs that enable integration of crypto payments into social media.✨ 3. Launching an online store - cybermarketplace opens up the possibility of creating a personal crypto-cyber market for innovation.Launching a cyber marketplace: Creating an online store or cyber marketplace where users can create their own crypto-cyber markets for the sale and exchange of various goods and services.The launch of a cyber marketplace opens up new opportunities for users and entrepreneurs in the digital economy. This innovative solution contributes to the development of digital commerce and strengthens user trust in online platforms. Organizing an online store or cyber marketplace will allow you to create a personal crypto-cyber market for trade and innovation. This will ensure transparency and reliability of transactions in the cyber world, contributing to the development of digital wealth.The launch of the cyber marketplace represents a significant event in the development of the digital economy and cyberspace. For example, the introduction of new search capabilities, product filtering, payment and delivery systems, personal accounts for users and sellers. This online marketplace provides the user with the opportunity to buy, sell and exchange various digital goods and services in a secure and transparent environment.The world's first cyber marketplace:crypto payments for your business, enable acceptance of payments in crypto currency in tokensCyber_magazine #Cyber_magazine Cyber_ShopAdvantages of the cyber marketplace:1. Global access: users from different countries can freely use the services of the cyber marketplace, which expands its market and potential audience.2. Transparency and security: thanks to the use of blockchain technology and encryption, the cyber marketplace provides a high level of transparency and security of transactions.3. Wide range: the platform offers a variety of goods and services, ranging from digital goods (software, multimedia content) to cybersecurity services and expert advice.4. Efficient payment system: the use of cryptocurrencies and cyberpayments speeds up the process of transactions and reduces fees for their implementation.Cyber_magazine #Cyber_magazine #Cyber_Shop is access to a unique opportunity to make transactions and use services using private cryptocurrencies.✨ 4. Organization of cyber exchange - cyberexchange allows you to effectively manage cyber assets, exchanging them for a variety of digital currencies or real assets.Cyber Exchange: Launch a cyber exchange where users can exchange their cyber assets for various digital currencies or real assets, expanding opportunities for business development and financial growth.#Cyber_exchange - blockchain technology for buying and selling crypto assets #cyber_barter of tokens #d_genUnderstanding the Cyber Exchange Process:The cyber exchange process is simple and efficient. Users can access the list of exchanges and select the crypto asset exchange pair of their choice. To initiate an exchange, users can scan the provided QR code or copy the exchange address. Subsequently, they transfer their tokens to the address and in a quick return they receive the tokens of their choice according to the current price list. Notably, the exchange charges a negligible fee of 0.01%, making it more attractive to users looking for cost-effective and hassle-free transactions.purchase and sale of a virtual asset cyber token Module D_GEN No. 4 #Cyber_exchange private moneyCyber_Exchange (#dDigitalgene) is the world's first cyberbarter platform for exchanging digital assets on a blockchain neural networkHere are some real-life applications of Cyber Exchange:Crypto acquiring - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange provides companies with the opportunity to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment for goods and services. This reduces fees and costs for converting to fiat money.Crypto Processing - Cyber Exchange provides cryptocurrency payment processing, expanding the payment options available to businesses and increasing the efficiency and speed of payments.Crypto Asset Exchange - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange allows the exchange of digital assets between buyers and sellers. This is especially useful for investors, traders and cryptocurrency holders who are looking for a secure and automated means of exchange.International Transactions - Cyberbarter on the Cyber Exchange platform allows companies to conduct global transactions without the barriers associated with traditional financial systems. This opens up new opportunities for global trade.Mass Market - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange provides access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies and tokens, allowing users to diversify their investments and participate in various projects.Security and Trust - Blockchain technology used by DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange guarantees the security and transparency of all transactions, providing protection against data tampering and unauthorized access to assets.#Cyber_Exchange (dDigitalGene) is an innovative cyberbarter platform that is revolutionizing the exchange of digital assets on a blockchain neural network. It offers new opportunities for companies and individuals, ensuring the security and transparency of global transactions✨ 5 Participation in the affiliate program - cyber_net cyber_net provides access to unique tools and resources, allowing you to exchange experiences and ideas with the technology community.Joining cyber networks and partner programs will allow users to exchange experiences and ideas, gain access to unique tools and resources, and participate in innovative projects.#d_gen integration smart contracts into online business, evolution cyber referral links in business#cyber_network multi level marketing smart contract evolution of cyber referral links in MLM businessJoining cyber networks and partner programs provides unique opportunities for users to exchange experiences and ideas, access specialized tools and resources, and participate in innovative projects. In this context, a business is presented that embodies the highest level of technological evolution - a reusable marketing smart contract embodied in blockchain cyber networks.The basis of this business is smart contracts, which programmatically regulate the implementation of commercial conditions. The dDigitalgene module program is a smart contract capable of making decisions in accordance with a predefined algorithm, and also providing the ability to exchange quality leads in real time - LeadCoin. This mechanism helps improve the effectiveness of business marketing efforts.The use of smart contracts in online business opens up broad horizons for creating hybrid assets, issuing virtual tokens, creating hybrid creatures, and much more. Affiliate Cyber Network technology uses artificial intelligence to improve partnership management and efficient operation of information resources, which brings qualitative changes to the field of online marketing and online commercial operations.The Cyber Network software module is an innovative approach to network marketing that integrates smart contracts into regular HTTP links. This opens up new opportunities for affiliate marketing, promoting a more balanced and rewarding online linking economy.An important aspect of the Cyber Network program is the creation of a three-tier marketing system that provides rewards for attracting customers not only for their own transactions, but also for the transactions of their referrals. This mechanism stimulates the active attraction of new customers and the creation of a loyal customer base, which is a key factor for the successful development of network business in the cyber environment.The use of smart contracts and cyber networks in network marketing represents a revolutionary step in the development of online commerce, opening new horizons for innovation and development in this area.The presentation of a cyber software module heralding the advent of a new information age in a post-industrial world inspires serious thought.Cyberbank is the optimal solution for managing and using cryptocurrency assets in the modern market. By installing Crypto Wallet today, users receive all the benefits of this cutting-edge platform. Additional information about creating an account is available at www.d-gen.ruLet's look at five software modules that make up the network #cybermodule #D_Gen:Module No. 1 is an automated system that transfers information to a token on the blockchain. This module guarantees secure and efficient storage of data, ensuring its integrity.Module No. 2 - creates #cyberlanding pages, which allows you to create unique Internet pages on the blockchain. This tool opens up new possibilities for visual presentation of information and interaction with the audience.Module No. 3 - #cybermarketplace Cyber_Magazine, is a cyber trading tool on the blockchain. This module allows users to carry out a variety of trading operations using cryptocurrency assets, ensuring transparency and security of transactions.Module #4 - Cyber exchange, an epiphenomenon of financial evolution, is a means for exchanging cryptocurrency assets. This module opens up new horizons for financial transactions, ensuring their speed and reliability.Module #5 - Cyber_Link, the #cyber_network affiliate program, is an innovative method of interaction between network participants. This module encourages collaboration and partnerships, ensuring mutual benefit for all involved.The module consists of five software components that operate on a network and interact with each other to ensure reliable and secure work with cryptocurrencies. These components combined together form the "Cyber Module D_Gen".For more information on creating an account on this platform, you can visit the website and read further instructions.*Cyber-Alter is a unique subject of the digital nature of a new existence, which functions as a virtual reflection of the author. It is important to note that online identity does not completely coincide with real personality due to limitations in self-presentation on the Internet and differences in the way one perceives oneself in cyberspace compared to real life.Software module**dDigitalGene is a key element for activating technological abstraction and engineering prophecy in the DAO Great Tartarye neural network.Cyber Altero (or #Alter_ego) is an outstanding technological artifact in the blockchain network structure, with unique properties and potential that is open to active study and development in the technological and scientific community.#Cyber_Altero is a unique subject of the digital nature of existence, which is the result of training a program based on a neural network. It is a digital reflection of its creator, capable of interacting with the virtual and real world on a scale previously inaccessible to humanity.The concept of cyber-Altero is supported by scientific literature and research in the field of artificial intelligence, neural networks and blockchain technologies. Work by influential scholars such as Nick Bostrom, Ray Kurzwey, and Dan Schindler explores the possibility of creating digital subjects with a high degree of autonomy and intelligence.The semantic web of the global Internet also confirms the interest and active discussion of the concept of cyber-Altero in various communities, including technological and scientific. Information available through online sources, publications and academic articles indicates extensive debate and research in this area.Soon, Altero will become not only an important tool for its creators, but also a source of income. With the development of cyber technologies and the introduction of the blockchain economy, cyber Altero can be used to perform unprecedented tasks, which will lead to the creation of new economic models.In addition, upon reaching a certain level of technological development, there is the potential for the restoration of the biological creator of the cyber-Alter. This largely depends on progress in the field of artificial intelligence, biotechnology and medicine, but research in this direction is already underway and is of significant interest to the scientific community.Creating and using cyber Alteros brings many benefits, including automating tasks, improving communication, and protecting data and finances.Cyber_Altero stimulates the development of new technologies and business models, but requires discussion of ethical and social aspects such as privacy, security and impact on society.The implementation of hybrid creatures and avatars in VR, XR, RR requires special attention to data security and user privacy, as well as the development of unique functions for virtual interaction.*Altero is a modern technological artifact whose existence is supported by scientific literature and practical research. Its potential in the blockchain network and its impact on the future of technology and society make it a significant object of study and development in the modern world.I am using Python programming language to solve this problem. Here is the code with comments:python# Here we import the necessary librariesimport requestsimport json#Function to interact with the API and receive account creation datadef get_account_creation_info(): url = "" response = requests.get(url) account_info = json.loads(response.text) return account_info#Function for managing and using cryptocurrency assetsdef manage_crypto_assets(crypto_wallet): #Instead of simply printing a message, you can write more complex logic print("You can manage and use cryptocurrency assets in your wallet.") print("Your wallet:", crypto_wallet)# Main function of the programdef main(): # Receive information about account creation account_info = get_account_creation_info() # Checking for account availability if account_info["status"] == "created": # Getting a link to your account account_link = account_info["link"] print("You have successfully created an account!") print("Account link:", account_link) else: print("The account was not created. Please try again.") # Install and use crypto wallet crypto_wallet = "crypto_wallet" manage_crypto_assets(crypto_wallet)# Call main function if __name__ == "__main__": main()In the code, we use the requests library to make HTTP requests to the API and the json library to work with data in JSON format. The get_account_creation_info function sends a GET request to the specified URL and returns data in dictionary format. The manage_crypto_assets function simply displays information about a cryptocurrency wallet.The main function calls functions and processes the received data. If the account is successfully created, a link to it is displayed. Then the manage_crypto_assets function is called, which displays information about the cryptocurrency wallet.The code is enclosed in triple backquotes () so that it is formatted as a block of code when displayed.#Cyberfinance#Crypto_cybercurrencies#Cybermodule#Blockchaininnovation#DigitalEntities#Cybertechnology#Cryptotransactions#DigitalEconomy#Cybermarketing #Online_trading#Cryptoacquiring#Cryptoprocessing#Cryptoasset_exchange#InternationalTransactions#Cyber_barter#Cyber_finance#Cyber_Exchange #0xe74BBd8E6Ebf050BAAaF84e9Ccd9a2b0cD59563C 📸 Cyberbank GalacticWeb 3.0​🛠 Brief retelling of RUS YandexGPT:⚒ Brief retelling of EU YandexGPT: Dear future explorers and pioneers, We write to you from a time where we first witnessed a revolution in the creation of hybrid clones and surrogate models of reality. The Oracle Module became the key to a new era of virtual interaction, ingraining itself into the fabric of cyberspace and making it safer and more amazing. The implementation of hybrid creatures Altero in VR, XR, RR opened the doors to new worlds and opportunities for us. We see cyber Avatars becoming an integral part of our daily lives, enriching our interactions and expanding the boundaries of our experience. Our journey has been long and full of difficulties, but every step has led us to a deeper understanding of the essence of technology and its potential. We are committed to ethical and responsible use of these innovations, recognizing their impact on society and the individual. We invite you to join this exciting journey where together we weave a future in which the virtual becomes reality and reality is just the beginning of our endless creativity. With love and hope,From past.
Transfer TON
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        Crypto cyber payments in social networks: unique opportunities and
        advantages provided by

        The mechanism for introducing crypto-cyberpayments into social networks
        around the world

        Crypto-cyber payments on social networks is an innovative process of
        introducing cryptocurrency-based digital payment systems into popular
        social networks around the world.

        Why am I reading this? You gain insight into cutting-edge technologies
        and innovative approaches to financial transactions that can transform
        your online experience.

        Discover the mechanism for integrating crypto-cyber payments into social
        networks using dDigitalGene cyber_exchange.

        The introduction of crypto-cyber payments into social networks around
        the world is an evolutionary step in the field of online financial
        transactions. Using the Altero creation engine, we are opening up new
        opportunities for users and businesses in a hybrid ecosystem

        Why is this necessary?

        Crypto-cyber payments in social networks provide simplicity and
        instantaneity of financial transactions in the online environment. This
        is significant for both individual users and businesses, simplifying the
        process of purchasing, transferring and rewarding content.

        What will you get?

        Using crypto cyber payments will give you the opportunity to conduct
        financial transactions on social networks without using traditional
        banking channels. This provides privacy and security, as well as the
        ability to earn content rewards and participate in hybrid programs.

        Your #personal_crypto_Token is the key to a new reality, where every
        moment becomes an opportunity, every action a step towards digital
        progress. It opens the door to a new world where your virtual address
        merges with your natural essence, where fashion and profit merge into
        one, creating a unique balance between the virtual and the real. Your
        crypto token is the path to new opportunities, to a new look for a
        virtual avatar, to the registration of multidimensional objects and the
        creation of a humanized ID. It opens the door to the network structure
        of the Semantic Web, where each element has its own meaning, its role in
        the Internet infrastructure of Web 3.0. Let your imagination restart
        history by giving your crypto token the opportunity to participate in
        smart programs, instant scoring and duplication on the blockchain. It
        not only identifies and authenticates you, it gives you a private method
        of law, smart property and an entry on the blockchain ledger, becoming
        an integral part of your journey in the cyber industry. Let's together
        make this transition to the new currency world mind-blowing and
        inspiring, because in it everyone can find their own unique path and
        their own exciting work.

        Implementation of crypto-cyberpayments in social networks: a new stage
        of digital transformation at the global level.

        ✨ 1. Implementation of your own token into the cyber_system in the
        blockchain. Implementing your image using the D_Gen cyber module opens
        the doors to the global crypto-cyber currency market, where every
        transaction becomes an integral part of your entity management strategy.

        How to use it?

        Creation of a cryptotoken and its implementation in a cyber altero:
        Creation of a cryptotoken and its integration in a cyber altero: the
        initial stage involves specifying the address of the crypto token, which
        will be used as a unit of accounting for a digital asset. This hybrid
        token will serve to conduct financial transactions in cyberspace. The
        production of cyber alters is the creation of atomic beings of a new
        nature of being that actively interact in virtual and real reality.

        Cyber Foresight Cyber Guide Web 3. Privatization Factory

        Using the Holy Grail oracle module from the Central Cyber Bank (CCB) DAO
        Great Tartarye, users can create their own cyber Altero and implement it
        in the virtual world of the blockchain. Cyber-Altero is not just a
        digital assistant, it is an atomic being of a new nature of being,
        capable of actively interacting both in virtual and real life.

        The initial stage of the Altero creation process involves creating a
        crypto token and integrating it into the creature. This token serves as
        a unit of account for a digital asset and is used for financial
        transactions in cyberspace. After this, the process of forming an atomic
        being begins, which will become a cyber-Altero.

        Using advanced virtual and augmented reality technologies, as well as
        the Holy Grail Oracle Module, users can give their Cyber Altero unique
        characteristics and abilities. These programs and digital assistants are
        becoming an integral part of life, providing support and assistance in
        various situations

        Cyber Altero is not just a program or application - it is an individual
        being with a unique personality and skills. Through the use of hybrid
        clones and surrogate models of reality, these digital beings become
        realistic and adaptable to interact in different environments.

        Creating a cyber alter is not only an opportunity to get an assistant in
        the virtual world, but also a step into a new era of human interaction
        with technology. These digital creatures open up new horizons for
        creativity, learning and entertainment, making the virtual space more
        interesting and engaging.

        ✨ 2. Creating a personalized page on the Internet - cyberlanding on the
        blockchain allows you to effectively promote ideas and projects,
        emphasizing your uniqueness and innovative approach.

        ***Cyberlanding is a module for creating immersive and interactive web
        pages on the blockchain. It allows entrepreneurs to showcase their
        products or services in an engaging virtual environment, increasing user
        engagement and driving conversions.

        #cyber school It’s wonderful that you are interested in creating a cyber
        product krieber #teacher

        Using ddigitalgene cyber software modules will be a great achievement
        for you.

        Creation of a cyber-landing page on the blockchain: Production of a
        personalized page on the blockchain, which will be used to promote the
        user’s ideas and projects, as well as to provide the ability to send and
        receive crypto-payments from social networks. This could include apps,
        extensions or APIs that enable integration of crypto payments into
        social media.

        ✨ 3. Launching an online store - cybermarketplace opens up the
        possibility of creating a personal crypto-cyber market for innovation.

        Launching a cyber marketplace: Creating an online store or cyber
        marketplace where users can create their own crypto-cyber markets for
        the sale and exchange of various goods and services.

        The launch of a cyber marketplace opens up new opportunities for users
        and entrepreneurs in the digital economy. This innovative solution
        contributes to the development of digital commerce and strengthens user
        trust in online platforms. Organizing an online store or cyber
        marketplace will allow you to create a personal crypto-cyber market for
        trade and innovation. This will ensure transparency and reliability of
        transactions in the cyber world, contributing to the development of
        digital wealth.

        The launch of the cyber marketplace represents a significant event in
        the development of the digital economy and cyberspace. For example, the
        introduction of new search capabilities, product filtering, payment and
        delivery systems, personal accounts for users and sellers. This online
        marketplace provides the user with the opportunity to buy, sell and
        exchange various digital goods and services in a secure and transparent

        The world's first cyber marketplace:

        crypto payments for your business, enable acceptance of payments in
        crypto currency in tokens

        Cyber_magazine #Cyber_magazine Cyber_Shop

        Advantages of the cyber marketplace:

        1. Global access: users from different countries can freely use the
        services of the cyber marketplace, which expands its market and
        potential audience.

        2. Transparency and security: thanks to the use of blockchain technology
        and encryption, the cyber marketplace provides a high level of
        transparency and security of transactions.

        3. Wide range: the platform offers a variety of goods and services,
        ranging from digital goods (software, multimedia content) to
        cybersecurity services and expert advice.

        4. Efficient payment system: the use of cryptocurrencies and
        cyberpayments speeds up the process of transactions and reduces fees for
        their implementation.

        Cyber_magazine #Cyber_magazine #Cyber_Shop is access to a unique
        opportunity to make transactions and use services using private

        ✨ 4. Organization of cyber exchange - cyberexchange allows you to
        effectively manage cyber assets, exchanging them for a variety of
        digital currencies or real assets.

        Cyber Exchange: Launch a cyber exchange where users can exchange their
        cyber assets for various digital currencies or real assets, expanding
        opportunities for business development and financial growth.

        #Cyber_exchange - blockchain technology for buying and selling crypto
        assets #cyber_barter of tokens #d_gen

        Understanding the Cyber Exchange Process:

        The cyber exchange process is simple and efficient. Users can access the
        list of exchanges and select the crypto asset exchange pair of their
        choice. To initiate an exchange, users can scan the provided QR code or
        copy the exchange address. Subsequently, they transfer their tokens to
        the address and in a quick return they receive the tokens of their
        choice according to the current price list. Notably, the exchange
        charges a negligible fee of 0.01%, making it more attractive to users
        looking for cost-effective and hassle-free transactions.

        purchase and sale of a virtual asset cyber token Module D_GEN No. 4
        #Cyber_exchange private money

        Cyber_Exchange (#dDigitalgene) is the world's first cyberbarter platform
        for exchanging digital assets on a blockchain neural network

        Here are some real-life applications of Cyber Exchange:

        Crypto acquiring - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange provides companies with
        the opportunity to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment for
        goods and services. This reduces fees and costs for converting to fiat

        Crypto Processing - Cyber Exchange provides cryptocurrency payment
        processing, expanding the payment options available to businesses and
        increasing the efficiency and speed of payments.

        Crypto Asset Exchange - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange allows the exchange
        of digital assets between buyers and sellers. This is especially useful
        for investors, traders and cryptocurrency holders who are looking for a
        secure and automated means of exchange.

        International Transactions - Cyberbarter on the Cyber Exchange platform
        allows companies to conduct global transactions without the barriers
        associated with traditional financial systems. This opens up new
        opportunities for global trade.

        Mass Market - DDigitalgene Cyber Exchange provides access to a wide
        range of cryptocurrencies and tokens, allowing users to diversify their
        investments and participate in various projects.

        Security and Trust - Blockchain technology used by DDigitalgene Cyber
        Exchange guarantees the security and transparency of all transactions,
        providing protection against data tampering and unauthorized access to

        #Cyber_Exchange (dDigitalGene) is an innovative cyberbarter platform
        that is revolutionizing the exchange of digital assets on a blockchain
        neural network. It offers new opportunities for companies and
        individuals, ensuring the security and transparency of global

        ✨ 5 Participation in the affiliate program - cyber_net cyber_net
        provides access to unique tools and resources, allowing you to exchange
        experiences and ideas with the technology community.

        Joining cyber networks and partner programs will allow users to exchange
        experiences and ideas, gain access to unique tools and resources, and
        participate in innovative projects.

        #d_gen integration smart contracts into online business, evolution cyber
        referral links in business

        #cyber_network multi level marketing smart contract evolution of cyber
        referral links in MLM business

        Joining cyber networks and partner programs provides unique
        opportunities for users to exchange experiences and ideas, access
        specialized tools and resources, and participate in innovative projects.
        In this context, a business is presented that embodies the highest level
        of technological evolution - a reusable marketing smart contract
        embodied in blockchain cyber networks.

        The basis of this business is smart contracts, which programmatically
        regulate the implementation of commercial conditions. The dDigitalgene
        module program is a smart contract capable of making decisions in
        accordance with a predefined algorithm, and also providing the ability
        to exchange quality leads in real time - LeadCoin. This mechanism helps
        improve the effectiveness of business marketing efforts.

        The use of smart contracts in online business opens up broad horizons
        for creating hybrid assets, issuing virtual tokens, creating hybrid
        creatures, and much more. Affiliate Cyber Network technology uses
        artificial intelligence to improve partnership management and efficient
        operation of information resources, which brings qualitative changes to
        the field of online marketing and online commercial operations.

        The Cyber Network software module is an innovative approach to network
        marketing that integrates smart contracts into regular HTTP links. This
        opens up new opportunities for affiliate marketing, promoting a more
        balanced and rewarding online linking economy.

        An important aspect of the Cyber Network program is the creation of a
        three-tier marketing system that provides rewards for attracting
        customers not only for their own transactions, but also for the
        transactions of their referrals. This mechanism stimulates the active
        attraction of new customers and the creation of a loyal customer base,
        which is a key factor for the successful development of network business
        in the cyber environment.

        The use of smart contracts and cyber networks in network marketing
        represents a revolutionary step in the development of online commerce,
        opening new horizons for innovation and development in this area.

        The presentation of a cyber software module heralding the advent of a
        new information age in a post-industrial world inspires serious thought.

        Cyberbank is the optimal solution for managing and using cryptocurrency
        assets in the modern market. By installing Crypto Wallet today, users
        receive all the benefits of this cutting-edge platform. Additional
        information about creating an account is available at

        Let's look at five software modules that make up the network
        #cybermodule #D_Gen:

        Module No. 1 is an automated system that transfers information to a
        token on the blockchain. This module guarantees secure and efficient
        storage of data, ensuring its integrity.

        Module No. 2 - creates #cyberlanding pages, which allows you to create
        unique Internet pages on the blockchain. This tool opens up new
        possibilities for visual presentation of information and interaction
        with the audience.

        Module No. 3 - #cybermarketplace Cyber_Magazine, is a cyber trading tool
        on the blockchain. This module allows users to carry out a variety of
        trading operations using cryptocurrency assets, ensuring transparency
        and security of transactions.

        Module #4 - Cyber exchange, an epiphenomenon of financial evolution, is
        a means for exchanging cryptocurrency assets. This module opens up new
        horizons for financial transactions, ensuring their speed and

        Module #5 - Cyber_Link, the #cyber_network affiliate program, is an
        innovative method of interaction between network participants. This
        module encourages collaboration and partnerships, ensuring mutual
        benefit for all involved.

        The module consists of five software components that operate on a
        network and interact with each other to ensure reliable and secure work
        with cryptocurrencies. These components combined together form the
        "Cyber Module D_Gen".

        For more information on creating an account on this platform, you can
        visit the website and read further instructions.

        *Cyber-Alter is a unique subject of the digital nature of a new
        existence, which functions as a virtual reflection of the author. It is
        important to note that online identity does not completely coincide with
        real personality due to limitations in self-presentation on the Internet
        and differences in the way one perceives oneself in cyberspace compared
        to real life.

        Software module

        **dDigitalGene is a key element for activating technological abstraction
        and engineering prophecy in the DAO Great Tartarye neural network.

        Cyber Altero (or #Alter_ego) is an outstanding technological artifact in
        the blockchain network structure, with unique properties and potential
        that is open to active study and development in the technological and
        scientific community.

        #Cyber_Altero is a unique subject of the digital nature of existence,
        which is the result of training a program based on a neural network. It
        is a digital reflection of its creator, capable of interacting with the
        virtual and real world on a scale previously inaccessible to humanity.

        The concept of cyber-Altero is supported by scientific literature and
        research in the field of artificial intelligence, neural networks and
        blockchain technologies. Work by influential scholars such as Nick
        Bostrom, Ray Kurzwey, and Dan Schindler explores the possibility of
        creating digital subjects with a high degree of autonomy and

        The semantic web of the global Internet also confirms the interest and
        active discussion of the concept of cyber-Altero in various communities,
        including technological and scientific. Information available through
        online sources, publications and academic articles indicates extensive
        debate and research in this area.

        Soon, Altero will become not only an important tool for its creators,
        but also a source of income. With the development of cyber technologies
        and the introduction of the blockchain economy, cyber Altero can be used
        to perform unprecedented tasks, which will lead to the creation of new
        economic models.

        In addition, upon reaching a certain level of technological development,
        there is the potential for the restoration of the biological creator of
        the cyber-Alter. This largely depends on progress in the field of
        artificial intelligence, biotechnology and medicine, but research in
        this direction is already underway and is of significant interest to the
        scientific community.

        Creating and using cyber Alteros brings many benefits, including
        automating tasks, improving communication, and protecting data and

        Cyber_Altero stimulates the development of new technologies and business
        models, but requires discussion of ethical and social aspects such as
        privacy, security and impact on society.

        The implementation of hybrid creatures and avatars in VR, XR, RR
        requires special attention to data security and user privacy, as well as
        the development of unique functions for virtual interaction.

        *Altero is a modern technological artifact whose existence is supported
        by scientific literature and practical research. Its potential in the
        blockchain network and its impact on the future of technology and
        society make it a significant object of study and development in the
        modern world.

        I am using Python programming language to solve this problem. Here is
        the code with comments:


        # Here we import the necessary libraries

        import requests

        import json

        #Function to interact with the API and receive account creation data

        def get_account_creation_info():
          url = ""
          response = requests.get(url)
          account_info = json.loads(response.text)
          return account_info
        #Function for managing and using cryptocurrency assets

        def manage_crypto_assets(crypto_wallet):
          #Instead of simply printing a message, you can write more complex logic
          print("You can manage and use cryptocurrency assets in your wallet.")
          print("Your wallet:", crypto_wallet)
        # Main function of the program

        def main():
          # Receive information about account creation
          account_info = get_account_creation_info()
          # Checking for account availability
          if account_info["status"] == "created":
            # Getting a link to your account
            account_link = account_info["link"]
            print("You have successfully created an account!")
            print("Account link:", account_link)
            print("The account was not created. Please try again.")
          # Install and use crypto wallet
          crypto_wallet = "crypto_wallet"
        # Call main function
        if __name__ == "__main__":
        In the code, we use the requests library to make HTTP requests to the
        API and the json library to work with data in JSON format. The
        get_account_creation_info function sends a GET request to the specified
        URL and returns data in dictionary format. The manage_crypto_assets
        function simply displays information about a cryptocurrency wallet.

        The main function calls functions and processes the received data. If
        the account is successfully created, a link to it is displayed. Then the
        manage_crypto_assets function is called, which displays information
        about the cryptocurrency wallet.

        The code is enclosed in triple backquotes () so that it is formatted as
        a block of code when displayed.









        #Cybermarketing #Online_trading







        📸   Cyberbank GalacticWeb 3.0​

        🛠 Brief retelling of RUS YandexGPT:

        ⚒ Brief retelling of EU YandexGPT:
        Dear future explorers and pioneers,
        We write to you from a time where we first witnessed a revolution in the
        creation of hybrid clones and surrogate models of reality. The Oracle
        Module became the key to a new era of virtual interaction, ingraining
        itself into the fabric of cyberspace and making it safer and more
        The implementation of hybrid creatures Altero in VR, XR, RR opened the
        doors to new worlds and opportunities for us. We see cyber Avatars
        becoming an integral part of our daily lives, enriching our interactions
        and expanding the boundaries of our experience.
        Our journey has been long and full of difficulties, but every step has
        led us to a deeper understanding of the essence of technology and its
        potential. We are committed to ethical and responsible use of these
        innovations, recognizing their impact on society and the individual.
        We invite you to join this exciting journey where together we weave a
        future in which the virtual becomes reality and reality is just the
        beginning of our endless creativity.
        With love and hope,

        From past.
Tx hash:
Prev. tx hash:
Total fee:
0.004320237 TON
Fwd. fee:
0.000000000 TON
Gas fee:
0.002770800 TON
Storage fee:
0.001416106 TON
Action fee:
0.000000000 TON
End balance:
0.021886156 TON
13.05.2024, 20:00:13
Prev. tx lt:
active → active
State hash:
Type tx:
Compute Phase
Exit code:
Vm steps:
Gas used:
Internal message
0.050610608 TON
IHR disabled:
Created at:
13.05.2024, 20:00:13
Created lt:
Forward Fee:
0.000266669 TON
Bounce · 0xffffffff
Copy Raw body
payload: b5ee9c720101010100220000400f8a7ea5000000000000000050306dc4200800cd1f0ff6ebcd437d197063c795
How this data was fetched?