query_id: 6083770390103376000
amount: "290000000"
from: 0:80bd51a7334ac1e271c38558821389e95717c22799069e8e9aa8d87ad30ec135
response_address: 0:80bd51a7334ac1e271c38558821389e95717c22799069e8e9aa8d87ad30ec135
forward_ton_amount: "1"
is_right: false
value: {}
query_id: 6083770390103376000
amount: "290000000"
sender: 0:80bd51a7334ac1e271c38558821389e95717c22799069e8e9aa8d87ad30ec135
is_right: true
sum_type: TextComment
op_code: 0
text: >-
You win pavel. Now help me plz we help you by empty hands
... There is no shame in standing on the shoulders of giants.
Pavel Durov and the Telegram team made this app, set the bar for
builders and created a lot of opportunities for everyone, including
552,586 Notcoiners were grateful and sent their 1,030,383,291,362
Notcoin to Pavel's account.
We are quite surprised by this number, especially that 203,303 people
donated all their hard-earned Notcoins (sic!).
Everyone who donated Notcoin will receive twice as much at the end of
this phase. You deserve it.
Thank you, all contributors.
You make Notcoin special.
query_id: 6083770390103376000