query_id: 6083770390546170000
amount: "1000000000"
destination: 0:45727f5125792f9ed327e7198f601589cf795674057f455f4cfbc248205e75a7
response_destination: 0:c56873f682ed01809078f2cc9e12d3b14a8f68214e257a860f0dbc98f68292ef
custom_payload: null
forward_ton_amount: "1"
is_right: true
sum_type: TextComment
op_code: 0
text: Did you really think the public couldn't find this dog? If you want to
touch these coins, you have to do something good. Prove your dedication
and send $NOT 2500 to the return address by 9 UTC. Expect a super tip
via a secret line of communication. Good luck.
query_id: 6083770390546170000
amount: "1000000000"
from: 0:c56873f682ed01809078f2cc9e12d3b14a8f68214e257a860f0dbc98f68292ef
response_address: 0:c56873f682ed01809078f2cc9e12d3b14a8f68214e257a860f0dbc98f68292ef
forward_ton_amount: "1"
is_right: false
value: {}