query_id: 17286061478617571000
amount: "1000000000"
destination: 0:8e91b50381c36dd42accdb51f5cb5d96848568b4924f8079b1a5ae7e10f43eda
response_destination: 0:994ca44f475e05acaf7937ae607c66c70c65fb6a3d0c024db24f7a37db36306b
custom_payload: null
forward_ton_amount: "1"
is_right: true
sum_type: TextComment
op_code: 0
text: Hello crypto friends I have 4,000,000 Trump Shot Tokens, I can't sell them
on Tonkeeper, please in which exchange is this token traded, send me a
message to my gmail or send me a message with a transaction. You will
receive good news,
query_id: 17286061478617571000
amount: "1000000000"
from: 0:994ca44f475e05acaf7937ae607c66c70c65fb6a3d0c024db24f7a37db36306b
response_address: 0:994ca44f475e05acaf7937ae607c66c70c65fb6a3d0c024db24f7a37db36306b
forward_ton_amount: "1"
is_right: true
sum_type: TextComment
op_code: 0
text: Hello crypto friends I have 4,000,000 Trump Shot Tokens, I can't sell them
on Tonkeeper, please in which exchange is this token traded, send me a
message to my gmail or send me a message with a transaction. You will
receive good news,